At Phoenix Innovation Group we utilize THE QUAD CORE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE. This unique approach allows for the achievement of breakthrough goals in life and career while developing new leadership skills, and establishing critical life hacks for situational roadblocks, failure, and paradigm shifting.
At Phoenix Innovation Group we're dedicated to helping you take your life and/or practice to the next level. With Creative Resilience Coaching, coach and coachee partner to:
• Focus on achieving enhancing creativity, strengthening resilience, and achieving personal/professional goals
• Use of creativity principles and the creative problem solving process to understand resilience and leadership strengths as well as creative preference
• Create a custom plan: an evaluated action plan for solutions and/or goals
• Discover and practice new creative leadership skills
• Resolve situational roadblocks, failure, even cope with trauma
The coaching program starts with a goal-setting process. The client will gain clarity and direction as they envision where they want to be personally or professionally. Subsequent sessions focus on goal achievement by means of new thinking around ideas, as well as strengthening solutions. Also, client and coach work together to map out a customized step-by-step action plan necessary to achieve the program goals.
Next, coach and coachee will assess current levels of imagination, creativity, resilience and grit. This exercise does two things: It gets coachees engaged in their innate processes, as it pertains to life content, as well as generating data on what participants believe ICRG is. This notion of gathering data validates participants’ beliefs, values, even definitions of themselves as a human being. To put it simple, it validates their struggle and process.
This stage of the process highlights the relationship between creativity, specifically, cognitive rational semantics, and resilience. Here, coach and coachee focuses on words, idioms and traditional phrasing that has shaped a way of thinking, and actions produced by said thinking. This will be followed by a gamut of experiential exercises. This part of the Quad-Core Process will enflame the phenomena known as metacognition. Or simply, thinking about your thinking. This heightened level of cognition provides checks and balances such as polarity thinking, positive self speak, intelligent self interest, appreciative inquiry, abundance versus deficit thinking, as well as negative peer and positive peer relationship frequency evaluation. In subsequent coaching sessions, client and coach brainstorm ideas, learn proven leadership principles and best practices, and discuss other techniques used successfully.
At the conclusion of every session, the best ideas become measurable action accountabilities. The client will be supported to build these skills until they become second nature. As it is said one can only measure what they’ve learned by how well they can teach it. Accordingly, a debrief will be written on behalf of the coachee, acknowledging and attaching what they’ve learned to real life scenarios in order to display effective coping, connections in creative thinking, instances of trial and learn versus trial and error, and most importantly how what this new thinking impacts the eight dimensions of wellness.
Our Process Yields Consistent Results. Graduates Of Our Coaching Programs Consistently Report The Following Outcomes:
Improved leadership skills, confidence and presence achievement of “BHAG” goals, and business results
Improved ability to persuade, influence and negotiate for results
Greater voice and visibility
Enhanced authority and credibility
Greater recognition and reward for accomplishments
Career advancement, including promotions, and higher level projects
Enhanced organizational awareness and ease with navigating politics